http://www.parc-animalier-corse.comAt the Olva Nature Park, you can discover Corsica's most beautiful species of trees and the country's domestic animals in just a few hours. The animals at Olva live in their natural habitat on 22 hectares of parkland. There are no animals in cages here; the donkeys and horses gallop free in their fields; in the farmyard, hens and ducks bustle about their business; nanny-goats and billy-goats scale the massed piles of rocks and sleep in the caves they conceal. Time stands still before the newborn animals as they taste the joys of their brand-new life under their mother's tender gaze. Wild olive trees, cork oaks, pistacias, heather, cistus and strawflowers; all the ingredients which make up the perfume and beauty of Corsica emerge from the granite chaos where goats and kids perch here and there. A short botanical walk, where each species is listed and labelled, winds through it. As you stroll along, you begin to realise the infinite variety of plants, trees and shrubs which are concealed in the "wild". We don't stop at just labelling the plants. The visitor sets off on the path equipped with a sheet describing not only the vegetation but also its many uses. Medicinal and aromatic plants, plants associated with religious customs or magic rites... part of the links between man and nature are revealed here. The peaceful passage of time at Olva is governed by births, sunrises and sunsets. . Or maybe time has stopped to remind us of our roots. Come to Olva, re-live childhood memories brought back by the smell of a plant, the magic of a place or an animal's ridiculous behaviour! Visitors are free to wander around the park on foot at their own speed, stopping when they feel like it in the shade of the beautiful trees. At the end of the visit you can even hire little ponies and children can rediscover this rich, lively and yet centuries-old world astride their mounts. Visit us on
Rue Jean Nicoli
20100 Olmeto
from 0.00 Euros