15 juli 2011 tot 14 augustus 2011artiste peintre
20290 Campile
(Haute Corse)CAMPILE
Tel : 06 13 23 07 61
http://www.artactif.com/poinsot-mbThe painter Campile "POINSOT" opened his studio-gallery to the public For picture rails thirty works mirror the artist's favorite themes. In "Poinsot", characters, creatures and landscapes are pretexts to illustrate his vision of the universe. Unusual to see an exhibition from July 15 to August 15 2011de 5:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.. At other hours by appointment. Closed Thursday. Contact: 0495382462-0613230761 - michele.poinsot @ orange.fr www.artactif.com / Poinsot / mb
Castellu Rossu
Route de l'Aéroport Poretta
20290 Lucciana
vanaf minimumprijs