
досуги на природе и спорт , водный спорт en Corse du sud

    Nautical sports
    Initiate in nautical activities that coastal region offers you. The sail, the surfing, the sand yacht or the kitesurf will carry you to the rhythm of tides and of winds up to an experience rich in feelings.

    In calm waters or in white-waters, attract the experience of the canoe and let come, paddle at the hand, on clear waters of these rivers of character. That you choose a gentle or tumultuous descent, you will be able to use a sumptuous natural setting.
3 en Corse du sud.
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водный спорт в Porto-Vecchio

Kalliste Plongee

Rossi Sylviane Route de bonifacio 20137 Porto-Vecchio (Corse du Sud)
телефон : 04 95 70 44 59  - факс : 04 95 70 44 59  - сотовый телефон : 06 09 84 91 51
Center of dive has Palombaggia proposing you baptemes, training courses(formations PADI, ffessm,CEDIP) and explorations in the Marine Park (natural reserve).

водный спорт в Propriano

Croisières Nuukrayne Corse et sardaigne

Jake et Kris Portu Valincu 20110 Propriano (Corse du Sud)
телефон : +3 36 80 18 35 09  - сотовый телефон : +3 36 61 93 32 25
Votre croisière privée en cabine d'hôtes à bord de NUUKRAYNE, voilier de 15 mètres skippé par un équipage professionnel - Capitaine Marine Marchande et Moniteur Voile.
Une croisière ...

водный спорт в Ajaccio

Bimak Canyoning

Benjamin Destrubé port charles ornano 20000 Ajaccio (Corse du Sud)
телефон : 06 17 79 34 92
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